Сценарій до Дня Святого Валентина “Power of two hearts”

Сценарій до Дня Святого Валентина "Power of two hearts"
Сценарій до Дня Святого Валентина "Power of two hearts"

















(сценарій вечора до

 Дня Святого Валентина)

























Сцена прикрашена кульками у вигляді сердець, з-поміж них – вислови про кохання:

  • Love is like flowers- it needs the sun and rain;
  • Love conquers all;
  • A man falls in love though his eyes, a woman- though her ears;
  • All is fair in love and war;
  • To love deep means to forget about youself.

Звучить романтична інструментальна музика. На сцену виходять юнак та дівчина, одягнені в одяг «ангелочків»


Girl: Love… How many feelings we carry in this word. It seems there is no thing simpler than love and at the same time there is no thing more difficult than love.

Boy: Everybody feels love to another person but it is hard to explane what love is. Try to say what the feeling means and you will see that the words are poor and cover only a part of the whole.

Girl: Life is full of love but not everybody can see that. We love our parents and relatives, friends and pets…

Boy: We love our homes and our Motherland Ukraine…

Girl: But the most mysterious feeling is love between a man and a woman…

Boy: The holiday of LOVE is the St. Valentine’s Day on Fabruary 14th. It is celebration of love which gets its name from a Roman priest, Valentine, who secretly performed wedding ceremonies for Christian couples in the 3rd century.

Girl: St. Valentine’s Day is naw a day for sweethearts. It is a day when you show your friend or loved one that you care. You can send candy to someone. Or you can send roses, the flowers of LOVE. The most people send “valentines”, greeting cards.

Boy: Weeks before Fabruary 14th  shop windows are decorated with red paper hearts and boxes of chocolates.

Girl: On St. Valentine’s Day many people are dressed in something red, since it is considered to be the colour of LOVE. Gifts, wrapped in shiny paper and red ribbons, are exchanged.

Boy: In the evening many couples choose to dine at romantic restaurants while others  enjoy  spending time togather at home.

Girl: St. Valentine’s Day is a time to let people know how much you love and appreciate them. It is a day that makes everyone feel romantic and happy.

Boy: Today we have unusial party. It is devoted to St. Valentine’s Day – a day of all sweethearts.

Girl: 3 boys and 3 girls will take part in our party. They will see each other, will learn each other and then will make their choice. And at the end of our holiday we ’ll name the most romantic couple.

So, please, meet our participants!

На сцені з’являються 3 хлопці і 3 дівчини, які тримають у руках по половині серця, сідають на свої місця.

Boy: Do you think St. Valentine’s Day is a chance for romance or just an usual holiday?

Girl: I think that this holiday is the most romantic. And now we check haw romantic are our boys and girls.

Boy: So now we’ll name you different situations connected with LOVE and you must choose or say your own variant  of solving this problem.

To girls:

1) According to tradition of St. Valentine’s Day the first person you see on St. Valentine’s Day should be your Valentine. What would you do on Valentine’s morning?

  1. a) stay in your room whith your door locked and curtains closed until your true love arrived?
  2. b) nothing just get up as usual.
  3. c) get up early go into the town centre ant wait for rush- hour!
  4. d) your variant.

2) You are cooking a romantic Valentine’s meal for your true love. Which recipe book do you buy?

  1. a) Healthy Meals;
  2. b) Meals prepared in 10 minutes;
  3. c) Fantastic Food;
  4. d) Your variant.

3) Flowers are always linked with romance. Which of the following flowers whould you like to receive?

  1. a) a single red rose, displayed in a silk box.
  2. b) a bouquet of delicate flowers that were grown by your Valentine.
  3. c) a huge bouquet of flowers that was found on the carpet at your flat.
  4. d) your variant.

To boys:

1) There are many presents which celebrate love and marriage. Which you find  the most romantic?

  1. a) a huge box of chocolates in heart-shaped silk box.
  2. b) a dream pillow that is filled with special flowers.
  3. c) a photo of yourself.
  4. d) your variant.

2) Celebrity romance is always popular. Which wedding brought tears to your eyes?

  1. a) Cinderella and Prince;
  2. b) Romeo and Juliet;
  3. c) The Sleeping Beauty and Prince;
  4. d) your variant.

3) Make St. Valentine’s Day extra special and choose one of the following tips for added romance.

  1. a) pay your girlfriend to spend a day at a beauty salon being made  to look good enough to go out in public with you.
  2. b) plan 3 different days out write the details down and put them in envelopes. Ask your girlfriend to to pick one envelope.
  3. c) sing your favourite love song to your girlfriend in front of a large crowd of friends.
  4. d) your variant.


Thanks for your answers!




                                   From Sarah with love


For so many years we were friends

And yes I always knew what we could do

But so many tears in the rain

Fell the night you said

That love had come to you.

I thought you were not my kind,

I thought that I could never feel for you,

The passion and love you were feeling,

And so you left

For someone new.

And now that you re far and away

I m sending a letter today.




From Sarah with love.

She d got the letter she is dreaming of.

She never found the words to say,

But I know that today

She s gonna send her letter to you


From Sarah with love.

She took your picture to the stars above,

And they told her it is true.

She could dare to fall in love with you,

So don’t  make her blue when she writes to you    

From Sarah with love.



So maybe the chance for romance

Is like a train to catch before it s gone,

And I ll keep on waiting and dreaming

You re strong enough to understand.

As long as you re  so far away

I m sending a letter each day

Girl : Our next task for boys and girls is to explane which of these thing is love assosiated with? You must prove your point of view.

     На плакаті учасникам запропоновано предмети та явища, які порівнюються із коханням:










LOVE                       SUN









Thanks for your answers!









Our hands have met, but not our hearts,

Our hands will never meet again.

Friends if we have ever been,

Friends we cannot now remain.

I only know I loved you once,

I only know I loved in vain.

Our hands have met, but not our hearts,

Our hands will never meet again.


Boy: Your next task is to give us your examples of ‘valentines”.

Учасники представляють один одному і глядачам свої виготовлені «валентинки» і зачитують освідчення та побажання на них.

Thanks all participants!






«The Beatles»



All my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they’re here to stay,

Oh,  I believe in yesterday.



I’m not half the man I used to be,

There’s a shadow hanging over me,

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.


Why she had to go, I don’t know,

She wouldn’t say,

I said something wrong,

Now I long for yesterday.



Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.



Boy: Now you must match the famous couples.

На великому плакаті написані імена жінок, а навпроти- чоловіків, завдання для учасників- з’єднати їх попарно

  1. 1. Assol a)Romeo
  2. Tatyana b) Rhett Butler
  3. Scarlett O’Hara                          c) Odissey
  4. Jozephine d) Arthur Grey
  5. Juliet e) Napoleon
  6. Penelopa         f) Yevgeniy Onegin
  7. Margarita g) Master


Answers: 1-d, 2-f, 3-b, 4-e, 5-a, 6-c, 7-g.




Dance- WALTZ



Girl: So now you, boys and girls, must make your choice.

   Учасники пишуть на половинці серця, яку тримали в руках, ім’я своєї/ свого обраниці/ обранця. Визначається найромантичніша пара.

Boy: You see, we can say a lot about love. But to love deep- it means to forget about itself, said Russo.

Girl: We wish you great and the most beautiful love. And now, please, sing with us!






Love me





Love me tender,

Love me true,

All my dreams fulfill.

For, my darling,

I love you,

And I always will.


Love me tender,

Love me dear,

Tell me, you are  mine,

ll be yours through all the yearsI

Till the end of time

Автор: Арендаренко Ірина Сергіївна

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